Holistic Analytics

Get analytics on engagement, attention, participation and attendance.
Holistic Analytics

Trusted by leaders in tutoring

Powerful analytics for great learning

Understand student attention

Track whether students are clicked into your classroom, or checked out on another tab or window, down to the minute.

Review class participation

See who engaged and who's leaning back with stats like talk time, camera-on time and whiteboard activity.

Track live and solo work time

Get so much more than just automated attendance. Track valuable metrics like time spent in live conversation, time spent on solo review or class preparation, chat messages sent and more.

Understand student attention

Track whether students are clicked into your classroom, or checked out on another tab or window, down to the minute.

Review class participation

See who engaged and who's leaning back with stats like talk time, camera-on time and whiteboard activity.

Track live and solo work time

Get so much more than just automated attendance. Track valuable metrics like time spent in live conversation, time spent on solo review or class preparation, chat messages sent and more.

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