Tips to take your virtual classroom to the next level!

Pencil Spaces Team

Pencil Spaces was built with all the tools you’ll need to teach any subject. Here are some tips to make the most of your virtual classroom:

Tip 1: Put your screenshare on the whiteboard

Increase interactivity in your virtual classroom with Screenshare Annotations!

Turn your screenshare into an object on the whiteboard to make every element of your lesson collaborative. Watch as your students draw directly on top of your Screenshare, allowing you to create engaging lesson activities.

Tip 2: Add Board Backgrounds

Create a Whiteboard that best fits your lesson plan by changing your Board Background.

No matter the lesson you’re teaching, we have different Board Background patterns and colors available to fit your classroom needs. Teaching a math lesson? Switch to a grid background! Want a “dark mode”? Switch to a black background!

Tip 3: Private Boards
Do you want to give your student their own study Space or place to work in class? No problem! Assign them their own Board.

By changing Board Access, you can assign students private boards that won’t be visible to other students. This way, they can work individually while still being on the same video call.

Pencil Spaces Team

Find your ideal teaching space with Pencil Spaces.