Tips to maximize your Whiteboard experience!

Pencil Spaces Team

Here are some of our best tips to spark more engagement within your virtual classroom: 

Tip 1: Use Reactions

Get students enthusiastic to participate in class with Reactions!

Encourage students to take advantage of the list of fun and interactive emoji’s found right in Pencil Spaces! Paired with automatic gesture recognition, students can get excited about class participation without having to click that (sometimes scary) unmute button!

Tip 2: Add professional Stock Images to your Whiteboard

Make lessons more visually engaging by adding professional stock photos to your lesson. Photos can be directly uploaded from Pencil Spaces with pictures for any topic or purpose. 

Tip 3: Quick Polls

Want to get your students more engaged in class? Or get a sense of what students are thinking? Take a Quick Poll! Polls give students a chance to participate during class, and allow you to hear what they’re thinking without having to pause the lesson and gather each answer individually.  

With Pencil Spaces, everything you need for your lessons is right at your fingertips!

Pencil Spaces Team

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